What happens when Coral Reefs die?
They’re called the rainforests of the sea; they are gradually formed when coral polyps attach to rocks which ultimately form a hard...

The Most Beautiful Beaches in and around Los Angeles
Los Angeles is surrounded by beautiful beaches. Many of them are known from movies, programs or commercials. Whether you want to relax,...

Innovation among companies
We see the success that companies like P&G, Air BnB and Uber. The main lessons found in these readings is how these companies used...

Baseball Hits a Home Run by Integrating Social Media with Content and Art
The media campaign In 2011 Major League Baseball decided to try a new approach to reach their fans, they did this by introducing the “MLB...

Rendered Realism: Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality has been in use for many years but only recently has it made its way into the consumer market. The first all sensory...

Brief history of surfing in Biarritz, France
We all know France for its Eiffel Tower, baguettes, and wine. But who knew France would be a destination for surfing? Little do people...

Garbage patches in our oceans
Discovered in the 1980s, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a remote area between Hawaii and the North American mainland where a lot of...

The lingering Minimum Wage debate
In 100 U.S. cities many people carried signs and protested against the minimum wage pay of $7.25 for fast food restaurants. These fast...

Obesity in the United States
Can't fit into that Molokai shirt? Well, what we eat is what we are. There are plenty of fast food places out there, but who is really...

Pollution and its effects on the beach
“Nearly 4,000 beach closings and swimming advisories were issued by the state and local governments in 1995” (Beach 1). This statistic...